Suresh worked for two decades as an engineer & manager in the diverse areas before taking to consulting. He has experience in Project Management, Maintenance, Marketing & Technical Services and Research & Development,
He was one of the founders of Productivity Consulting Systems India. This was an affiliate of Norman Bodek’s Productivity Inc. He was also a part of the team that collaborated with Masaaki Imai to establish Kaizen Institute of India & Kaizen Institute Africa Asia-Pacific.
Suresh is a founder of TAO Consulting Systems Pvt. Ltd., an organization that has catalyzed company-wide transformation in several leading companies in India.
He has evolved a holistic approach that combines personal development and inner growth with workplace improvement. This approach named LASER (Learn, Apply, Share, Enjoy & Reflect) is accepted as a best practice and deployed by one of the largest, internationally acclaimed business groups in India.